Project Examples
Dam Safety Evaluations
Engineering evaluations, performance reviews, and coordination with regulatory agencies for more than 250 dams since the firm was founded in 1995. Some projects included design of rehabilitation measures, seismic hazard analyses, seepage and instrumentation modifications.
Levee Inspections and Rehabilitation Design
GENTERRA performed periodic inspections of many miles of levees for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento and Los Angeles Districts. GENTERRA also performed emergency evaluation and design of repairs to several levees for flood protection.
Final Design of Eagle Canyon Dam, Palm Springs, California
GENTERRA performed the geotechnical investigation and final design, including civil, structural, geotechnical, hydrology and hydraulic engineering, geological mapping, and preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimate for Eagle Canyon Dam and Debris Basin for the Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District.
Video of Eagle Canyon Dam After Construction
Geotechnical Investigation, Norco, California
Geotechnical field investigation, laboratory testing, development of geotechnical design and construction recommendation report for 5,900 feet of flood reinforced concrete channel, 4,600 feet of reinforced concrete box culvert, 1,150 feet of reinforced concrete pipe and two bridges for the Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District.
Dam Enlargement, El Toro Dam and Reservoir
Civil and geotechnical engineering design and construction for the El Toro Dam and Reservoir including raising of the existing dam, installation of instrumentation, development of a reservoir drawdown program, and design of an 1,800-foot-long groundwater interceptor trench.
Lake Elsinore Advanced Pumped Storage Project
GENTERRA provided conceptual-level geotechnical, hydrologic, and inundation studies for this proposed 500-MW pumped storage project in Riverside County. The study included the evaluation of two candidate dams and three candidate powerhouses.
Owens Valley Inundation Studies Inyo County, California
GENTERRA has prepared dam-break flood inundation maps for four dams and associated technical reports per Cal-OES guidelines. PMF analysis led to overtopping as the mode of failure. Analyses included unsteady HEC-RAS modeling, evaluation of flow entering and filling the Pleasant Valley Basin, Upper Gorge Basin, Long Valley Basin, and Big Pine Creek No. 2 Basin, and HEC-HMS modeling to route flows through the basins.
Dam-Break Flood Inundation Study of the Hollywood Reservoir Complex, Upper Hollywood Dam and Mulholland Dam Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, California
GENTERRA has prepared a dam-break flood inundation map and associated technical report per Cal OES guidelines assuming that the entire volume of Upper Hollywood Reservoir flowed into Lower Hollywood Reservoir during the breach of Mulholland Dam. The original downstream face of Mulholland Dam is buried with a non-structural earthfill buttress. The outflow hydrograph was generated assuming a sudden breach failure of Mulholland Dam which is a concrete gravity dam. Analyses included HEC-HMS and FLO-2D modeling.
ASCE Riverside & San Bernardino Chapter Project of the Year
The Eagle Canyon Dam and Debris Basin in Palm Springs, CA was awarded the 2015-2016 Project of the Year by the ASCE San Bernardino & Riverside Chapter, the 2016 Flood Management Project of the Year by the ASCE Los Angeles Section and the 2016 Outstanding Flood Management Project in the State of California by the ASCE Region 9.
GENTERRA was the A-E Prime for the geotechnical investigation and final design of the dam spillway and outlet works under contract to the Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District.
ASCE Los Angeles Chapter Flood Management Project of the Year
The Lower Santa Ana River Project Phase 2B Reach 9 was awarded the 2015 Flood Management Project of the Year by the ASCE Los Angeles Section.
GENTERRA was the A-E Prime for the geotechnical investigation, final design and construction of the access road and bridge to the Green River Golf Course under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District.
CELSOC Award of Excellence
GENTERRA received the 2005 Award of Excellence for the San Joaquin Reservoir Conversion to Reclaimed Water Storage in Orange County, California.
Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors of Orange County (CELSOC) was later renamed Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC).